Gordon at Touchizen 블로그

고든/터치즌은 다음과 같은 기술에 경험이 있습니다:

  • Languages: C/C++, Java, Kotlin, Python, Php, Javascript, C#, Swift, ObjectiveC, Kotlin, Go, R, and so on.
  • OS : Windows, Android, iOS, MacOS, Linux/Unix
  • DBMS : Mysql,MariaDB, Postgres, Oracle, Mongo, Redshift, DynamoDB, MSSql, sqlite
  • Memory DB: Redis
  • Search Engine: Elasticsearch Service
  • Cloud Service:
  • AWS => VPC, EC2, ECS, ECR, ELB, RDS, Lightsail,DynamoDB, Redshift, Lambda_function, API Gateway, SNS, SES, SQS, Cloudwatch, Cloudfront, Elasticsearch Service, Kibana, Kinesis/firehose, ElasticCache, Cloudformation, Codestar, Codebuild, Codecommit, Athena, Rekognition, ElasticMap Reduce, MXNet(little bit),
  • GCP => Firebase, Cloud build, Cloud Functions, Cloud Translate
  • Code/Issue Management: Github.com, JIRA, Slack.com ===> CI/CD 구축가능.
  • Container service: Docker, ECS, ECR, DockerHub
  • SDN(Software Defined Network): Cloudformation

  • Document: Swagger
  • Multimedia: Adobe Illustrator, Premiere Pro and so on

그리고 이블로그는 GitHub Pages 서비스를 활용한 블로그 입니다. 되돌아 가시려면 https://touchizen.com을 방문하시면 됩니다.